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Contact Lens Exam & Evaluation Fees and Policies

A contact lens exam (CLE) is separate from a comprehensive eye exam and as such, has its own set of fees. Insurance companies do not usually cover these fees. CLE fees are due at the time of initial exam and are good for 90 days, after which a new CLE is required.

CLE fees are guided by the patient’s individual refractive status, corneal curvature, corneal health, vision requirements and the doctor’s expertise.

A CLE is required if a patient does not currently wear contact lenses but is interested in wearing them, or if they currently wear contact lenses and a different type is needed or an update to their prescription is required. If no changes are necessary to their contact lens prescription and/or fit, an evaluation is still needed to ensure proper health of the cornea—these are usually subject to lower fees. 

CLE fees do not include contact lens boxes or medical complications secondary to contact lens wear. 

At any time, the doctor may need the patient to not wear their contact lenses, sometimes for extended times, due to corneal health rehab needs and to ensure long term corneal health and stable vision. This is why we require our contact lens patients to always have a backup pair of glasses. We are always happy to provide patients with a copy of their most current glasses prescription. 

Once the contact lens prescription is finalized—meaning that the doctor and the patient are happy with vision, comfort and fit—we will provide the patient with a copy. In the state of Washington, contact lens prescriptions are valid for two years. We do encourage evaluation of ocular health and any prescription adjustments, whether to your glasses and/or contacts, every year. 

We always strive to be upfront and quote the correct amount prior to appointments so our patients are prepared for the charges that they will be responsible for. However, issues may come to light during the CLE that may result in an increase in fees. 


Basic Soft CLE Established CL Level 1: $50 New CL Level 2: $100

Spherical only contact lenses, requiring little to no power adjustments, low complexity of fitting parameters and typical measurements of corneal curvature. 

  • The New CL Level includes training on application and removal of soft contact lenses, along with proper care and hygiene for successful long term wear. 

  • Includes up to 1 follow-up visit to confirm fit/power and finalize prescription.  

Intermediate Soft CLE Established CL Level 3: $70 New CL Level 4: $120

Toric and/or monovision fits that require additional expertise to determine correct rotation of lenses, need for cross-cylinder calculations, evaluation for eye dominance, corneal topography, and adjustments to power for individualized visual needs. 

  • The New CL Level includes training on application and removal of soft contact lenses, along with proper care and hygiene for successful long term wear. 

  • Includes up to 2 follow-up visits to confirm fit/power and finalize prescription. 

Advanced Soft CLE Established CL Level 5: $90 New CL Level 6: $140

Multifocal lenses that require additional visits, over-refraction and adjustments due to individualized visual needs. Includes complicated extended range torics and specialty soft contact lenses. This also includes fits for soft lenses for myopia control.

  • The New CL Level includes training on application and removal of soft contact lenses, along with proper care and hygiene for successful long term wear. 

  • Includes up to 3 follow-up visits to confirm fit/power and finalize prescription. 


Basic RGP CLE Established CL Level 7: $100 New CL Level 8: $200

Spherical rigid gas permeable lenses: made to order diagnostic lenses for each patient, along with measurements of corneal curvature and corneal topography, needed over-refractions and evaluation of fit.

  • The New CL Level includes training on application and removal of RGP lenses, along with proper care and hygiene for successful long term wear. 

  • Includes up to 1 follow-up visit and up to 1 additional made-to-order diagnostic lenses needed to confirm fit/power and finalize prescription.

Intermediate RGP CLE Established CL Level 9: $120 New CL Level 10: $250

Toric and/or monovision rigid gas permeable lenses. These evaluations usually require additional expertise to determine correct rotation of lenses, need for crossed cylinder calculations, evaluation for eye dominance, corneal topography, and adjustments to power for individualized visual needs. 

  • The New CL Level includes training on application and removal of RGP lenses, along with proper care and hygiene for successful long term wear. 

  • Includes up to 2 follow-up visits and up to 2 additional made-to-order diagnostic lenses needed to confirm fit/power and finalize prescription.  

Advanced RGP CLE Established CL Level 11:$150 New CL Level 12: $300

Multifocal rigid gas permeable lenses. These evaluations require advanced education to determine proper fit and vision, including over-refractions and design of the lenses to ensure proper clarity and comfort for the patient’s individualized visual needs. It also includes corneal topography. 

  • The New CL Level includes training on application and removal of RGP lenses, along with proper care and hygiene for successful long term wear. 

  • Includes up to 3 follow-up visits and up to 3 additional made-to-order diagnostic lenses needed to confirm fit/power and finalize prescription.  

Established Scleral CLE CL Level 13: $200

Current scleral wearers: includes over-refractions, calculations to adjust power and small changes to the fit of the lenses. 

  • Includes corneal curvature, corneal topography and anterior measurements with our optical coherence tomographer

  • Includes up to 1 follow-up visit and up to 1 additional made-to-order diagnostic lenses needed to confirm fit/power and finalize prescription.

New Scleral CLE CL Level 14: $300

New spherical scleral lens fits requiring advanced calculations and evaluation by the doctor

  • Includes includes over-refractions, calculations to adjust power, corneal curvature, corneal topography and anterior measurements by optical coherence tomography.

  • Includes training on application and removal of scleral lenses, along with proper care and hygiene for successful long term wear. 

  • Includes up to 3 follow-up visits and up to 3 additional made-to-order diagnostic lenses needed to confirm fit/power and finalize prescription.

Advanced Scleral CLE CL Level 15: $1000

New toric or multifocal scleral lens fits requiring more complicated calculations and evaluation by the doctor.

  • Includes corneal curvature, corneal topography and anterior measurements by optical coherence tomography.

  • Includes training on application and removal of scleral lenses, along with proper care and hygiene for successful long term wear. 

  • Includes up to 5 follow-up visits and up to 5 additional made-to-order diagnostic lenses needed to confirm fit/power and finalize prescription.


CL: Contact Lens

CLE: Contact Lens Exam

Established: Fit and evaluated by a doctor at Island Optometry within the last 3 years of the same modality and at time of comprehensive exam OR within 90 days of comprehensive exam

New: New patient to Island Optometry (or greater than 3 years since last seen or evaluated for contact lenses), new to contacts, new to that modality OR longer than 90 days since comprehensive exam